
We meet our clients where they are, to create plans and goals that work for them and their lives.

Olympic Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting, otherwise known as ‘weightlifting’ or ‘Olympic-style weightlifting’ is a registered sport which incorporates the use of two independent lifts which require the athlete to lift a loaded barbell from the floor to an overhead position in an explosive manner. The two lifts, the ‘Clean & Jerk’ and the ‘Snatch’ are explosive movements as they require a combination of maximal strength and maximal speed.

These exercises and their variations are an effective method for enhancing athletic performance. Sports that require high-load speed strength such as football, volleyball, basketball, and track and field, have all been suggested to benefit from the use of Olympic Weightlifting because of their bio-mechanical characteristics of high force and power output.

Sports Performance

Sports performance training is training of the body and mind to prepare the athlete for the rigors of a specific sport. It differs from personal training in that the athlete is conditioned and prepared properly to compete in their sport of choice, rather than broader general fitness. Individual characteristics such as age, gender, and fitness level are combined with scientifically proven training methods and exercises to create a customized, sports specific workout plan that results in a more confident, motivated athlete.

The focus is to enhance the athlete’s performance in competition by using the latest advancements in sports science and kinesiology to develop a sport specific strength and conditioning program that improves the athlete’s overall athleticism – one’s strength, agility, speed, power, coordination, and balance as it relates to the sport in which they compete.

Personal Training

Our personal training will provide safe, effective, and interesting workouts and educate clients about the many ways to engage in physical exercise and healthy living. The one-on-one training programs, are varied and progressive, and are geared towards improving clients’ health and wellness. We are supportive and enthusiastic champions of physical fitness, and our personal training programs provide clients with encouragement and motivation to stick with their programs as to achieve their fitness objectives.


Description of therapy.